Exodus 2:1-3 (New Living Translation)
This story begins with the story of Moses. But I think it is the story for every Christian mom. We raise our kids as best we can and try to protect them as much as possible from the temptations and the world. We raise them to know God’s ways. But eventually, there comes a time when we have to let them go out into the world – perhaps it is to day care, perhaps to a sleep over, perhaps to high school or college. All we can do is make sure we protect them as much as possible, surround them with love and God’s grace and cover them with prayer, just as Moses’ mom made sure that basket was covered in pitch. Then, it is up to God, who never sleeps and has a plan for them, to watch over their journey.
I think it may also be true for our talents. When they are newly produced through the Holy Spirit, we need to nurture them. Perhaps we hear God whispering, “Wait-not quite yet. I’ll tell you when it is time to share this.” God knew when the Pharaoh’s daughter would be at the riverbank to see Moses floating in the basket. He instilled in her heart the desire to receive Moses. If Moses’ mom had released him too soon, those opportunities might not have happened, and who knows where Moses would have ended up.
God gives us our talents, our lessons and our life experiences. Let Him also give you the time to share them with others and touch hearts for Him. Give them time to grow and mature, then He will prepare the right method of delivery and the right circumstances for it to be received, used and blessed.
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