Last weekend, I had the honor to be with great young ladies at Dove 2010. As I looked around the room, I seen so many dreams and goals. Some of those young ladies will achieve those dreams. But the reality of those dreams, it will not be easy road.
Some will let others paralyze their dreams, and some will forget what those dreams were.
Thomas Edison said, "The thoughts that come unsought and drop into the mind, are commonly the most valuable."
Then I thought of the scripture, "I will give my spirit to everyone (not just a selected few!)....your young men will see visions and your old men will have dreams." I hope every one of those young ladies get that scripture. Regardless of your age, God's Spirit can birth in your heart a dream, a vision of "what can be."
Hopefully, some of those young ladies will stop putting themselves down, thinking "others are more worthy and more qualified."
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." Php. 2:13
You may be flawed and limited, but the God who lives and works in you is not! Don't allow fear to make you settle for less than the life God intends you to live. Go ahead, risk, reach, for "It is God who works in you," and longs to be glorified through you.
Historian Henry J. Taylor, reminds us that "Vision lit every lamp, built every church and business, performed every act of kindness, and created more and better things for more people. It's the priceless ingredient of a better day."
So start dreaming and don't stop!!!!!
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