You have what's required!!!!!
This last week, I had the honor to begin our 2nd year of Merge College. It was a nice start to a new year. I have been praying for a situation for one of the students, and I believe I witnessed a miracle. We should never be amazed, when God answers our prayers. I am so excited to see the journey for each one of them this year.
I was reading, when David first arrived at King Saul's palace he was a simple, unknown shepherd boy. But he had an impressive resume'! And God, in essence, said, "I saw you kill the bear and the lion; I was watching when you didn't realize it."
Solomon wrote, "A man's gift make the room for Him." Proverbs 18:16
David's gift may have been only a slingshot, but it opened the door to his future as Israel's king. So even though what you've got doesn't seem like much--give it to God. Then step back and watch what He can do with it.
All God requires is that you show up, say yes, and make yourself available. When you give God what you've got, He gives you what He's got; that makes your odds unbeatable. You can never say, I don't have the right credentials or the right training.
Benjamin Franklin had less than 2 years of formal schooling. Yet at 25 he founded the America's first library, at 31 he started its first fire department, at 36 he designed a heating stove that's still in use today. At 45 he founded the nation's first university, and at 75 he invented bifocals.
He was economist, philosopher, diplomat, inventor, educator, publisher, and linguist who spoke and wrote in five languages.
Chances are, you already have more education than he had when he was your age. Add to that these 2 promises, "The Lord is my helper" (Hebrews 13:6), and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," and you have what's required!!!!
Always keep moving forward and not backwards.........
Merge students your future looks extremely bright and exciting!!!!!
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