

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keep Climbing

"Give me this (mountain) that the Lord promised me." Joshua 14:12

I read this story the other day, and it inspired me.....

Admiral Joe Fowler served in both world wars. As a naval architect he designed two of America's largest aircraft carriers, the USS Lexington and the USS Saratoga. He retired from the Navy in 1948.

Shortly after, Walt Disney asked him to head up the design and construction of his first theme park in California. Nothing like it had ever been done before. Not only did Fowler complete the project in 1955, he managed its operation for many years.

Later when Disney wanted to build another theme park in Florida, he called Fowler to do it. When Fowler was 87, and Disney called on him again to build a futuristic theme. That theme park is called Epcot Center.

When asked why he would take on such a project at 87 Fowler replied, "You don't have to die until you want to." In 1993 he completed the job, and laid down his drawing board at the age of 99. Mission accomplished!!!!

This is how God wants us to be in our spiritual life as we advance in years: growing older, but never weaker in Jesus.

At 85 years of age Caleb said to Joshua, "Give me this (mountain) that the Lord promised me (forty-five years ago)" Joshua 14:12

In fact, Caleb wants the fight. He could have asked for an easy place, but he knows that these foes must be faced and figures that he may as well be the one to do it. He doesn’t leave the work to someone else, though he could have, especially at his age.

What if all of Israel had the heart of Caleb?

What if no one in Israel had the heart of Caleb?

Again, Caleb’s secret is clear: he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.

There was a total commitment in Caleb’s life.

Did he get it?
Yes......So keep climbing!!!!
Will you make mistakes along the way?
Yes.......Henry Ford forgot to put a reverse gear in his first car. He also went bankrupt 5 times before becoming the father of the automobile industry.

You'll stumble on your way to the top, but if you seek God's help and stay with it, you'll get there. The truth is, you're not defeated until your doubts and regrets take the place of your dreams......


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