Little Boy Into Young Man
It doesn't seem possible, that my baby boy will be 17 .......
On March 27, 1993--Zachary Scott came into our lives.
Now as I look at pictures, at video clips, at birth announcements,
and I remember moments about my baby boy.
How can it be that it was 17 years ago he arrived into our lives
and gave me the name "mommy"?
The little boy who grabbed his mommy's heart with his blonde hair,
his under bite, carrying his barney with a laid back personality.
Everywhere he went he always had his sippie cup in one hand,
and the other hand was twirling my hair.
The little boy who loved french fries, and he would not leave
the house without his super hero guys.
Even to this day, he is so content with his life.
The years our almost like a dream, unreal, and sometimes a blur.
A few days ago I glanced up, and there standing before me where
my little boy used to stand, was the form of a young man.
I caught a gasp in my throat as in that moment I realized
my little boy was not there.
How did it happen so fast?
When did it happen?
I have not been away for any length of time,
yet somehow, right before my eyes.....he has changed.
He is growing and maturing and the shock of it all leaves me dazed.
Words like "my own car", "when I have a job", "when I get out of school"
have begun to seek places in our conversations.
Questions of life itself have begun to surface to the topics of discussion.
I must say I am not at all sad, disappointed or upset at the man he is becoming.
The young man who makes me smile with the quirky things he says.....
The young man who makes us laugh.....
The young man who can give you a “bear hug” that you will never forget......
He is growing into a fine godly young man that has my heart beaming
with all the joy and pride one can generate.
I will begin to learn how to say goodbye to my little boy,
or maybe I just need to learn how to say "hello"
to the young man I am beginning to see.
The realization is that, my little boy is leaving
and taking his place as a young man.
Today, I will cherish the title "mom" like no other title.
God saw it part of His perfect plan to bless our life with this dear boy.
Happy Birthday Zach-man!!!!!
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