

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Proverbs 31:11

Proverbs 31: (11) The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

Definition: Trust: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.

Proverbs 31:11 woman actions are not based on how others treat her or by what others think, her character remains steady, and she remains reliable and dependable. In his heart, her husband, has full confidence in her; her integrity, wisdom, and discretion in the use of his assets and in the care of his interests. He is at ease when he is away because he knows that all is safe with her and she would never do anything to cause him sorrow, suffering, pain, or distress.

He is not suspicious, worried, or jealous, because she is trustworthy. He can confide in her and trust her without reserve and will have no reason to regret it. He can safely rely and depend on her to do what he would do, in the manner he would do it. He believes in her securely, his trust is well founded because she will never let him down or do anything to harm his personal gain.

What God is saying is that the husband can trust in her decisions and knows that he can depend on her for support. It is hard for a man to have such a responsability for a family. A wifes support is a necessity. I believe that " he shall have no need for spoil" means that his wife makes him complete.

Sadly, this cannot be said of most husbands today.  They cannot trust their wives (and often their wives cannot trust them).  Being able to fully trust your marriage partner is one of the fundamental foundations of a strong God-honoring marriage. 

 Believe it or not women but God did not give you your husband so that you can make him who you think he should be.
God gave you your husband so you could pray for, hold up, strengthen and uplift this man, while God was tearing down, uprooting and creating him into the man of God that he was called to be.

It is vital that we as woman are on our knees in prayer doing warfare for our Husbands so that they can be the leader that God has called them to be.

But she must readily understand that her primary focus and heart's desire is to be toward her husband. Hence, she must now put all of her efforts into building a close relationship with him - above all else - and love him with singleness of heart and mind. Her newly acquired husband is not to be added to the bottom of her personal list of special people and activities or personal goals, for the king deserves more than leftovers! He is to be placed at the TOP of his wife's list, as most important to her...

Let's be honest , sometimes the attitude we take toward our husbands is this - "He can wait; who does he think he is anyway, a king or something??" In fact, we're guilty often times of behaving as if our husbands were a "royal pain" rather than a king! And God says it is foolish of us....A Virtuous Woman respects her husband. She does him good all the days of her life. She is trustworthy and a helpmeet


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