

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Proverbs 31:18

Proverbs 31:18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

She is one that makes what she does to turn to a good value, by her prudent management of it. She does not toil all night for nothing, no! She herself perceives that her merchandise is good, that is, worth her while. She wastes no precious time.

She is very careful in scheduling her time, that none of it be lost. When day-light is done, she does not then think it's time to stop work, as those forced to do so because their business lies in the open fields and therefore subject to day and night. She extends her "day" beyond that by resourcefully using artificial light.

To “perceive” means to know from 
This is yet another reference to the business 
that she operated. She didn’t just dabble in 
this business; rather, she poured her life
into it so that it actually earned money for 
her and her family. She “tasted” and 
“experienced” these profits. Her 
merchandise was profitable and good.

This cannot possibly mean that she 
never went to bed at night.
Nor can this mean that she went to 
bed late and got up early (see verse 15), 
getting very little sleep. This can’t be, 
because it contradicts other portions 
of God’s Word.

Did you know that 
your body recharges 
itself most between the hours of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.?
Your adrenal 
glands use 
those night-time hours to heal and refresh from 
the stresses of the day.

The world is watching us. Our actions reflect upon our God.
His honor and reputation are at stake in our work. 
Know your limits. Do you know when 
to stop working?

Proverbs 31 today, we learn that she 
operated with a high
standard of excellence.That is what we must do....
The Proverbs Woman 
has set the example before us...
now let us go and do.



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